Connecting with Fellow Mommies in Columbus

Connecting with Fellow Mommies in Columbus

If you are a first time parent living in Columbus (or any city for that matter) joining a mommies group is a great idea.

: A mommies group provides parents with a supportive community. Designed to be a positive nurturing environment, mommies should receive mother to mother support, friendship, unity, and fun.


Me (in the middle) and my ladies.

Whether you work or stay at home with your children it is important to connect with other people for yourself and for your children. When you have a baby it tends to not only change your family’s dynamic, it also shuts down your social life as you knew it. Now grabbing a cup of coffee or a glass of red wine with your closest buddy turns into a luxury that involves a lot of planning on your part: who will watch the baby, what time should I meet my friend – before dinner, after dinner, after the baby goes to bed? And then, once you figure out those logistics, what on earth are you going to wear? That pre-baby body is just that: PRE. Your clothes no longer fit, or at least you don’t feel as good in them as you used to. That little tire around the middle is taking more work to deflate than you expected. Since you haven’t been out in a while you feel as if everyone is staring at you wondering just why on earth you wore that sweater in white. The great news is there are mommies groups around Central Ohio where you can meet new and exciting people without leaving your kids behind or dressing up. Socializing as a mother with kids in tow is awesome. It may not include wine, dinner or long conversations, but it will satisfy you more than you expect. Joining a mommies group is a wonderful way to meet new people, get advice or comfort while your children grow, and your kids get to play with children around their same age.

I had never heard of a mommies group before kids. My sister-in-law mentioned some mothers she used to meet up with but I had no idea what it entailed. Now I do and I am darn happy I took the leap out of my shy-shell to meet up with fellow moms. My life has changed so much since having children, and being with a menagerie of women experiencing this life change with me makes the transition so much easier. I joined GLOWednesday mommies group a little over two years ago and have made some great friends. My children, Peyton and Ethan, get excited to see their buddies and are learning social lessons I couldn’t teach them by myself. I find a mommies group is a place where I get the “oh, I totally understand those bags under your eyes” or “yes, it is okay to let your child run around the house in just a diaper.” We do Secret Santa gift exchanges with the kids at Christmas, pick pumpkins during harvest time, play in the park or at someone’s house, swap clothes, offer advice on making baby food, and most importantly we support each other. I highly recommend joining one.
If you are on the hunt for a group there are a few online communities that offer information on mommies groups around Central Ohio. My favorites are:

  • do a search for ‘mommies groups’ and your zip code. You’ll find a nice selection at your disposal.
  • create your own personal page and then post away. Some of the ladies in my group found GLOW from this very site.
  • MOMS Club: find a club in your neck of the woods. This is a very organized, large group of mommies that do a variety of activities each week with and without children.

There are a slew of online communities if you prefer the virtual world instead of an in person jaunt. You can enter your zip code and find the mommies in your areas to chat with…take a look:

Those suggestions may not be for you, in that case:

  • Get your wits and ask around. Is there a mom you feel comfortable approaching at the library? What about that mom you chit-chatted with at the playground?
  • Start one of your own. Do you have friends who have kids? Would they like to set a time to meet up? Take charge and host the first one at your house.