Let’s Keep Resources Available for the Community and Our Children: Keep CML Strong and Vote YES on Issue 4

Last week the Dublin Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library system had a “Grave Tales” storytime for children. It was set on the lawn in back of the library near a graveyard. The graveyard is pretty significant – it has resting in it the souls that came to Dublin over 200 years ago when Dublin was nothing more than a farming community. Kind of spooky if you are kid (very spooky for a chicken like me), and seriously the perfect place for spooky stories to take place. I thought that was SO COOL that the library would host that type of storytime for children and their families to celebrate this eery, spooky time of year. I can’t live without the library!!! Which brings me to….

Issue 4 will be on the ballot this fall and it came about to Keep Our Library Strong. The Columbus Metropolitan Library and its branches have experienced significant cuts over the years – cuts in their budget that exceed ten million dollars, cutting staff, and closing their doors early or over weekend days to reduce energy bills. The library is counting on the community to help – to keep them doing what they are doing, and passing the levy will help them do what they do even better! The library is not just for checking out books or music any longer, it offers a plethora of FREE services to the community, such as: homework help, research help (Ask a Librarian), job searches, resources to find scholarships for higher education, and computers for people to use who don’t have home access.

Many of my mommy friends and I go to the library at least once a week. I take my children to storytimes, concerts (Jim Gill performed at the Westerville branch), Touch a Truck events, holiday events, and to read and pick out books and CDs. We love the library!

I am not political. I am opinionated and I watch Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show every now and again, but more than knowing who is running and some of the issues, I am pretty much clueless. I normally hear a platform I like and go with it. And this one I like – a lot – in fact, I support it so much that I decided to write a post about it.

Please join me in voting “yes” for Issue 4 this November. For more information visit Keep Our Library Strong or follow the campaign on Facebook.