Memorial Day Ideas As Seen On Fox 28’s Good Day Columbus

I cannot believe Memorial Day is around the corner! Many of you, I am sure, are hosting or attending a BBQ or picnic with friends or family…and I have some ideas for you that include the kiddies! I shared them on Fox 28’s “Good Day Columbus,” but in case you missed it here is the segment: Cbusmom on Good Day Columbus. These tips are what I featured:

Tip #1: Red, White and Blue food
I put together easy fruit skewers with strawberries, blueberries and marshmallows. Kids can help with this or you can leave all the fixin’s out and let them put them together at the cookout. (Extra tip: star-shaped marshmallows can be found at Target and vegan marshmallows can be found at Whole Foods)

Tip #2: Fun Beverages
Create a drink station where kids can put together their own concoctions. Have bowls of fruit, veggies, mint and basil and let the kids go to town. Have sparkling water, lemonade, or something festive such as the Sparkling Fruit 20 Lime Twists to pour over the fruit. Serve in a fun mason jar as in the one I showed on TV or any cool glasses you’d like.

Tip #3: Toys!
Make it easy on yourself and have fun things out for the kids to do. Bubbles, hula hoops, footballs, games, and toys such as the YOXO Toys robot I had on the segment. YOXO Toys are made from recycled materials and the kids can create cool objects!

Tip #4: Write Letters to our Armed Forces
Memorial Day is a patriotic holiday created to honor fallen soldiers. We also honor our service men and women who are currently serving, and a great way to do that is send them a thank you card. You could set out envelops, construction paper, and markers and let them go to town. Gather the letters and send them all to Operation Buckeye where they will make sure they get into the hands of those serving our country now.

Thanks for tuning in! Have a wonderful Memorial Day!