My Kids Became Junior Rangers

My Kids Became Junior Rangers

My children became Junior Rangers through the Columbus Metro Parks over the weekend. The program was held at Highbanks Dragonfly Day Camp and was very well organized and educational. Oh, and it was free. Many of the amazing programs held by the Metro Parks are free. Take advantage! I do, because they are a great way to expose the kids to nature and all its glory. The naturalists and rangers are full of knowledge to share.

The program was about three hours long and parents could stay or leave their children. There were plenty of rangers and naturalists to keep an eye on the kids, though my hubby and I decided to stay. I wanted to hear what the kids were being taught, and was fairly certain I’d learn something new, too. Just ask me about a spittle bug!

Each child received a booklet with interactive activities that taught them about: military time, how to read a map, important flora and fauna to look for on a trail, what to do if you find a lost hiker, and much more great information. A relay race where kids got to use the trash picker-upper thingy was a favorite for my kids, and my son promptly asked me for one to clean up the trash at the pond near our home (I hope he knows we aren’t going to race to clean up trash, though). My kids also enjoyed using the walkies and of course, hanging out in the ranger truck where they could turn on the sirens. That sound never gets old…said noone ever.

Kids were offered snacks and water, and when they were finished, cookies and Capri Suns. They each earned a shirt and the rangers held a little ceremony where the kids got their badges and a certificate. The age range for this was 6 – 10 years old.

There are a ton of programs offered at the various Metro Parks this summer, be sure to check them out! Some programs require a sign up, so if you see one you like sign up immediately. Programs fill quickly: