Some Teacher Gift Ideas

Let’s discuss teacher gift ideas for the end of the year (or anytime, for that matter). I always struggle with gift ideas for people, so I decided I would give what I’d like to get. Teacher gifts are no different – especially since I am a teacher! The gift card is a great option, but what if you are more of a “gift person” instead of a “card person?” Well, then, maybe some of my ideas will strike your fancy. Let’s look:

Flavored Olive Oil(s) from Green Olive Company in Dublin. Seriously, so much fun! You can purchase a little bottle of a unique flavor and a loaf of crusty bread or a package of gourmet pasta. You could even put it in a little cute basket or something fun.

The Green Olive Company sells small bottles for $5, so if you have multiple teachers it helps from spending a fortune. AND, they get a gift that is unique and local…and DELICIOUS!



Hand-made Candle Lab candle. The Candle Lab has various locations in the city. My daughter happened to make this one in Worthington (conveniently located near House Wine…).

Kids can get a hands on experience choosing a scent they think is perfect for their teacher. They get to draw on the label and design their very own fragrance. $15 for this lovely, clean burning candle. Teachers can think of your child each time they light it (let’s hope that is a good thing). Again, local. Again, delicious – smelling.






Flowers. I love flowers and plants, so this is a no-brainer. The beautiful calla lily in the watering can was only $20 at Lowes. And, seriously, who can say no to those sweet smiles??!!









J. R. Watkins hand lotion or gift pack. Their stuff smells so good AND you can find it at Target. Prices vary, but what you see runs from $6.50 to $14.99.

Easy and can pick it up as you shop…you know,  grab clothes, groceries and Pokemon cards…and wine for mommy.